Saturday, July 29, 2006


Internal Hemorrhoids

Whatever that is.

Sorry I've been gone so long! It took me a damn month to recover from the Colonoscopy Horror.
When I had to drink the gallon of horrid stuff, I mistakenly mixed in the "Lemon Lime" flavor packet. Now I can't even THINK about drinking lemon lime flavored beverages. SPrite, 7Up. It all makes me gag. SO sad.

Juan and I are renting a cute little house. It is my auntie's cute little house. She doesn't live in it anymore though.

We are learning the joys of Home Ownership, even though we are not Owners. Just Renters. We are also learning the Joys of Marriage, and conversations around here have been going something like this recently:

Juan: Babe?

Me: Yes?

Juan: Will you PLEASE stop leaving your books in the bathroom?!

Me: Can I at least leave them in the cupboard under the sink?

Juan: NO!

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