Thursday, March 24, 2005


Day of Freedom

Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
Today I went to the doctor. He is not just any doctor, he is my thyroid surgeon. 6 and a half years ago he removed my entire thyroid and 14 cancer-ridden lymph nodes. Since then I have enjoyed a radiation treatment, several body scans (too many to count) and a couple of 3 week segments when I was required to go off of the medication that keeps me alive. This involves extreme fatigue and weight gain, as well as a general desire to dive headlong into a pile of burning coals, as the body's thermoregulation goes to shit, and you become freezing cold at every moment of every day, and NOTHING makes it better. I wore 2 pairs of sweatpants, 3 of my dad's sweatshirts, 2 pairs of wool socks and a winter hat INSIDE for 2 weeks and all I did was complain I was cold.
Today my doctor told me I AM CURED OF CANCER.
That means I don't have to worry about it coming back.

This has been such a long road, and I never thought I would feel this relieved. The idea of the cancer returning has not been an issue for 2 or 3 years, nor has it been something I have worried about or thought about frequently. But that never meant that I didn't think about it, or that it hasn;t affected my life in a big way. I think about it every morning at 6:30 am, when I take my medication. But hearing that I am CURED, that it is gone FOREVER, is just an unbelieveable feeling. It is so different to hear it officially from the mouth of someone I trust and respect.
I have bene on adrenaline rush since can still see my cheeks are pink in this picture. (I am NEVER pink, I am CHALKY)
I am such a lucky girl to have been supported by my wonderful family and friends for the past 6 years. Thank you to all of you who have been there and have stayed there. You are the best and I LOVE YOU.
Applause and congratulations are expected and accepted gratefully.

I remember crying in my backyard the day you told me you had it... and now I'm grinning in my bedroom hearing that it's GONE. I'm so happy for you Polyp!!! --other Polyp
P.S. SOmetimes you are pink, Pinky McGoo. You are my hero. cfs
ahhhhh my nut, i am so so so beyond happy for you. i still remember the day you told me, and visiting you at strong... you are such an inspiration to me, my friend. i love you!!!! -- nut
Well I haven't known you for very long so I didn't know about this, so all I have to say is--------------HIP, HIP HOORAY FOR LIZZYJANE, I am so happy for you !!!!!
I remember when you called and told me and I thought that there must have been a mistake, nothing like that could happen to someone who means so much to me.... today I am so happy and grateful for all of our years of friendship. Congratulations!!! --cmb
You are an amazing woman, we are all so grateful to have you in our lives. What more can I say? You are an inspiration to me, and I am so proud to have you as my best friend! I am celebrating you today, all the way on the other coast. Jena
I am so happy that you are cured. You are an amazing person and a good writer!!! (I am a friend of Catherine's.
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