Sunday, March 06, 2005


the FIRST squirrel story

Well! I already have 2 requests for my squirrel story!
There are many squirrel stories, with which I hope to entertain you over the next few days.....
It begins approximately three weeks ago.......
I have a super cute apartment (if I do say so myself) in the city. It is in a big old house. Therefore, the apartment can be somewhat drafty and prone to needing frequent repair. Such as frozen pipes, not enough hot get the idea.
My adorable fiancee and I were watching American Idol (a favorite around here, please do not call M-W from 8-9)
Our viewing was rudely interrupted by a LOUD SCRATCHING sound coming from my BATHROOM. I sent Juan into the bathroom, so i could continue watching the auditions.
He came out of the bathroom with a big ol' grin on his face and stated 'There is a squirrel in your bathroom ceiling"
It's 9pm, and I am only supposed to call the landlord in emergencies.
Does a squirrel in the ceiling constitute an emergency? A squirrel that is SCRATCHING CONSTANTLY??
Juan reminds me that a squirrel is a RODENT, and the RODENT is in the ceiling over my bathroom sink.

Where my toothbrush lives.

I call the landlord immediately.
The landlord sends over a maintenance man. The maintenance man borrows a broom from my closet and bangs on the ceiling for about 10 minutes.
He pronounces that he has "scared" the squirrel back out of the hole from which it entered.
The maintenance man leaves.
Immediately following the maintenance man's departure, (American Idol has now ended) we begin to hear a faint WHINING sound coming from the EXACT same location as the scratching.
The whining sounds EXACTLY like my mom's dog when he is hungry and wants to be fed for the fifth time that HOUR.
SInce the girl who loves above me owns a small dog, Juan and I become convinced that the scratching was NOT a squirrel, but my upstairs neighbor's dog.
We become frantic that such an adorable helpless animal should be stuck in my bathroom ceiling. Perhaps he found a hole in the back of a closet somewhere and fell through..........
We consider removing the bathroom tile.
The fear of a frantic squirrel tearing through my apartment does not appeal to us.
We then hear the small dog upstairs running around.
We look at eachother with dread.
It really is a squirrel.
That sounds like a dog.
And it is stuck in my ceiling directly over mt bathroom sink.
Where my toothbrush lives.
I moved my toothbrush into the kitchen.
About an hour later, the whining and scratching stopped altogether.
My anxiety levels decreased and I was able to sleep peacefully that evening.
More squirrel stories to come!

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