Sunday, March 20, 2005


Golf Ball Sized Clots

Well, I had a most disturbing conversation yesterday with my friend Jena who just had a baby a week ago.
She sounded wonderful, and surprisingly well rested, as well as competely and totally in love with the 7 lb watermelon she forced out of her body 7 days ago.
I was informed of all the essential baby often she is breast feeding, how much she is sleeping, and the regularity with which she expels said breast milk, in a variety of different forms.
And speaking of expelling, I was ALSO informed of the ingenious and DISGUSTING ways that a mother's body takes care of itself after childbirth. This includes bleeding for FOUR to SIX weeks. I can only assume that is Mother Nature's shout out: "You can't fool me! Did you SERIOUSLY think I was going to let you get away with NOT having a period for NINE months? Riigghhhhtttt."
Apparently, it is NORMAL and NATURAL to pass golf ball sized clots.
Jena has a good sense of humor about these things, but I am completely horrified, and I told her was going to blog about it. And I did. So all of you can share in my fear and horror.

it's settled. i am adopting.

-- nut
That sounds neither normal nor natural. cfs
I have decided that instead of children I am going to get one of those little purse dogs like Paris Hilton has, and I will dress it in outfits from BabyGap. -cfs
You will all be happy to know that the golf ball sized clots along with the horrendous maternity underwear have since left me. There is hope! It is amazing how your body becomes a total science experiment.......... Jena
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