Sunday, March 27, 2005


Happy Easter

Thursday night Juan and I went out to celebrate my new cancer free state. He was hungry and I was ready for a drink! I don't drink that much anymore, as Juan is not a drinker, and I have few reasons to sit around by myself and get loaded. As a result, my tolerance has gone WAY down. I am officially a "cheap date". The last time I wore the title of "cheap date" was my freshman year of college, where I was initiated into alcohol with a game of Asshole and a terrible mixture of Sprite and Peppermint Schnapps. (silent shudder) It only took a 6 oz dixie cup to transform me into a bumbling mess of giggles and stumbles.
Back to Thursday night. I ordered a drink called Raspberry Lemonade Icetini. I wish I had brought my camera with me because it was LITERALLY as big as my head. I drank that sucker in a half hour and practically passed out in the car. (I was NOT driving)
As it has been 4 years since my graduation from college, I remembered the #1 Rule of drinking, but was so tired I did not heed it.
I didn't drink any water before bed.
I woke up the next morning and my eyelids were glued shut.
Ugh. Now I remember why that is SO FREAKING important.

The revolting drink of choice my SUNY freshman year was Mountain Dew and Absolut. If you could manage to go to sleep you were sure to wake up feeling like your skull had been turned inside out.
-southern polyp
Peppermint and Sprite do NOT go together. THat is gross. Water is important....cfs
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