Saturday, March 19, 2005


What NOT to do....

at your wedding shower....

1) Do NOT choose every entree based solely on their dried basil and parsley factor. It is very difficult for guests to discreetly pick parsley from their teeth.

2) Do NOT have only one buffet line for 65 people.

3) Do NOT walk around and chit chat for 45 minutes following lunch and before opening gifts. It is senseless, wasted time.

4) Do NOT squeal with delight when you discover some tasteless person has bestowed you with a mechanical hamster dressed in a chicken outfit, which sings and dances to the "Chicken Dance". In addition, do NOT force the hamster to sing and dance everytime you open a new gift. It grates on the nerves of your guests.

5) Do NOT force your fiancee to sit at the front with you and pull tissue paper from the gift bags as you pull out the presents. It makes your fiancee look miserable and uncomfortable, and it makes the 65 women guests laugh at him from behind their napkins.

I won't ever make you go to one of those again. It sounds horrible. I hope the food was ok...cfs
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