Friday, April 08, 2005


Lime and the Coconut

There is a new Coke commercial for the new Lime Coke product. It airs during American Idol. It makes me laugh so freaking hard that my sides hurt the next day and I feel justified to skip my ab workout. They show a scientist with a lime and a Coke bottle, and he touches them together and then he gets this look on his face like "I'm a GENIUS!" All the while, the song is playing in the background:
"You put the lime in the Coke you nut, and drink it all down"
Oh, the comic hysteria.

There is another commercial which also provides me hours of entertainment. I have never actually SEEN the commercial. I only hear it while I am in the bathroom. (Which is most of the time) Anyway, I have no idea what the comercial is for, but it is an endless string of
"Woo-hoo, Woo-hoo-hoo, Woo-hoo, Woo-hoo-hoo, Whoo-hoo,, Whoo-hoo-hoo. Whoo-hoo, Whoo-hoo Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" Once it is in my head, I will sing it OVER and OVER for hours.
Dear god, it is the ONLY thing I have EVER found that annoys the crap out of Juan.
Oh, the deep, deep satisfaction.

I think you mean the Vonage commercials... the treadmill one is QUALITY.
YOu should try wearing and losing ALL his socks so that he only has un-matched ones with holes in them. That annoys the hell out of Matt.
Your first comment is right. Those commercials are for Vonage. I had not looked at your comment yet. Had just read you blog like you I know the woo hoo thing but I am always out of the room for me it's the kitchen. So I asked my grandson 13 yrs. If you want to know something just ask a kid. That's my motto, anyway he immediately said. oh yes that's for Vonage. Kid make me feel so stupid. lol
I find it very alarming that something actually bothers Juan! Wow!! Who would have thought?? Jena
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