Sunday, April 10, 2005


My Nonnie, The Genius

Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
I think I have mentioned before that my grandmother is a quilting genius. The woman could make a quilt a day if there wasn't dusting and cooking to do.
Anyway, I am attempting to learn this skill from my grandma. It turns out that I have a lot more determination than natural talent. In the past 2 years I have cranked out 2 and a half quilts, while Nonnie has completed 8 or 9 quilts in the past 3 months. So when i went to her house today for my weekly lesson, I took pictures of some of her most recent, and some of her favorite quilts. I helped her do some of them, and I thought I would post them every week or so. My grandma likes stuff that is very country, and I DON"T. But I still admire her work and talent.
So here is an Amish Quilt she made a few years ago. I didn't help at all on this one. But she hand embroidered the flowers in the center and the corners. She also hand quilts each and every piece. I find this insanely difficult, but she loves it. Good god, the patience....!

That is beautiful. I want to learn how to quilt. I keep buying them at Pottery Barn, and I know I could do it cheaper. cfs
My Mother -in-law used to do that too. I'm like you I'm not into country for myself by still I think her work is just beautiful. She can be proud!
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