Thursday, April 28, 2005


A Prize for You from Fingerhut

Juan found a keychain at school with the above phrase printed on it. I looked up Fingerhut on the internet, but it is a shopping website and it does not have the same logo as the keychain. Fingerhut is a very uncomfortable type of name and strongly reminds me of bodily functions and pizza at the same time. It is a bad name for a shopping website.

The Jason Mraz show was rescheduled for tonight! I am so excited!! Juan and I are leaving soon. I will dance and sing the night away and be miserable tomorrow for the little children.

Constantine was kicked off American Idol last night. He was my Nonnie's FAVORITE Idol contestant. I haven't talked to her about it yet, but I am sure she is extremely disappointed. Although I am VERY upset that Anthony and Scott continue on next week, at least I no longer have to feel as if Constantine's eyes are molesting me in my own living room.

The hormone levels are still high. The desire for PURE SUGAR is more than I can handle. If I could melt it in a spoon and inject it into my veins, I SO totally would right now. I decided I was going to attack a bag of Oreos, but that just wasn't enough. I must guiltily admit that I spread generous amounts of marshmallow fluff on each Oreo. I somehow stopped myself at 4. It was a delicious treat. At least they were the reduced fat kind. I was thinking that maybe if I found a finger or a skin flap in a bag of Oreo's, it JUST MIGHT be enough to make me stop eating Oreo's.

Then I thought..."nah!"

Fingerhut is where that lady bought that dismembered finger and put it in Wendy's Chili. I still eat there and I get the chicken nuggets. One good thing to do when you want sugar is to buy a tub of Cool Whip and eat the whole thing using a fudgicle as a shovel. Then eat the fudgicle. You will feel great.
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