Monday, April 04, 2005


Second Time Around

Most of my friends have graduated from college, and have now RETURNED to college for some reason or another. Apparently, ONE university degree is not enough to support a middle class lifestyle these days.
An example of this is my friend Catherine. And since I don't know how to link in text, I will just have to give you her website (for the 50th time).
Her post today is a prime example of college stress and the importance of achieving high academic standing. Catherine got an A on her paper. Congratulations Catherine! I'm sure most of her grades are A's, but I understand how important it is to achieve the highest marks.
Even though the last 2 years of OT school got SO hard, and out group motto was "C's get degrees", I still worked my ass off. And I did a damn good job, if I do say so myself. One time I actually got a 100% on a Neurology exam. It is something that I boast about, even to this day. And some of my college friends still make fun of me about it. But I don't care. because an A is an A, and a 100 is a 100, and we will have those grades FOREVER!
But it sucks that I can't write '100% on Neurology Exam" on my resume.

Yeah, but you can write 3.9 GPA. cfs
Also- College is mad fun. It is better than working. If I could get someone to finance it, I would stay in school forever. Which is why I am going to be a teacher I guess.
yeah, lemme tell you... masters' degrees really help in the long run, but in the short run, all they do is cause poverty! oh and maybe you can't list that grade on a resume, but i'm sure you can find a way to smoothly work it into an interview. "why do i want to work here? well, because i got a 100% on my neurology exam!" -- nut
I second meg-nut's comment about the short run effects of master's degrees! I still have yet to see the long term benefits yet. I'd hang on to that A on the exam for as long as possible! I still feel that way about that damn lab that we did in Physics class in high school. Remember that one? The one with the light fields or something? I felt so proud knowing that I had gotten a D or something.... Jena
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