Sunday, April 03, 2005



Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
Whom have I exposed to syphilis?
I can safely say, NOBODY.
This is a fun present from my friend Catherine. She brought it to me for being cured of cancer. It is a tin lunch box warning of the dangers of syphilis. Each side of the lunchbox has a different ad on it. My favorite says: "The ENEMY is SYPHILIS! Enlist employees in a campaign against it" and it has a picture of a man in a gas mask, as if he is attempting to protect himself from nuclear warfare.
So today I am grateful for not having cancer OR syphilis.
I think I'll make cookies to celebrate.

I want to know where Catherine got the box!!!! Jena
I got it at a store called Everything Main Street in Buffalo on Elmwood. The company that makes it is called Accoutrements. I think that is how it is spelled. They had a ton of funny ones.
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