Wednesday, April 13, 2005



Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
I dont know why i can't do blogger, but flickr works. So whatever, here is today's post. It is My Living Will. It came from an email....

I, Lizzyjane, being of sound mind and body , do not wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means. Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of peckerwood politicians who couldn't pas s ninth grade biology if their lives depended on it. If a reasonable amount of time passes and i fail to sit up and ask for a cold beer, it should be presumed that i won't ever get better. When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct my spouse, children and attending physicians to pull the plug, reel in the tubes and call it a day.
Under no circumstances shall the members of the Legislature enact a special law to keep me on life support machinery. It is my wish that these boneheads mind their own damn business, and pay attention instead to the health, education and future of the millions of americans who AREN"T in a permanent coma. Under no circumstances shall any politicians butt into this case. I don't care how many fundamentalist votes they are trying to scrounge for their run for presidency in 2008. It is my wish they play politics with someone else's life and leave me alone to die in peace. I couldn't care less if a hundred religious zealots send emails to legislators in which they pretend to care about me. I don't know these people, and I certainly haven't authorized them to preach and crusade on my behalf. They should mind their own business too. If any of my family goes against my wishes and turns my case into a political cause, I hereby promise to come back from the grave and make their existence a living hell.

Even though this sounds funny, I really mean it. If after a year, i don't wake up, just let me DIE! I do NOT wnat to die if I have a high spinal cord injusry and my executive functioning remains intact. I can still live my life that way. But if I am a vegetable, i am not living my life. And I prefer fruit anyway.

Here, here, I agree with every word that you have said!! Politics are already interferring with to many of what should be (and used to be) our own personal rights and business already.
awww hells yeah! i got as far as "cold beer" and that's all it took for me to agree with you! ;) -- nut
Who is this quilt genius person? I want to see your quilts! My friends have Kinitting Blogs and I am not a knitter. I want to see your blog and your quilts!
right on sister
I promise to kill you with my bare hands, if you promise to kill me with yours. cfs
yeah, quiltgenius, i am so glad that i live in a country where the president cares more about one single person who starved themself to death 15 years ago than about taking social security away from millions of people. that's awesome, and god bless america. -- nut
Yeah, isn't it ironic that the girl who was bulemic in the early 90's to the point that it erased her brain functioning finally starved to death in '05? Maybe not ironic, maybe poetic, or appropriate? cfs
Apparently I have spurred a political discussion on my blog. This is the closest I have ever come to politics!
9 comments is the most i ever had! two firsts in one post.
Sigh, the wonders of the internet.
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