Thursday, May 26, 2005



Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
Here is baby Payton. She is about a month old here (correct me if I am wrong, JMHS) and she is waving to the general public. She is making her internet debut!
I know Auntie Lizzie is a dumbass, sweetheart. I am sorry it took me so long to get you on my blog. I really do love you with all my heart. (Don't tell Uncle Juan., he will be jealous) And I can't wait to hold you, and rock you and make funny faces at you until you poop your diaper and mommy has to change you. And after that, I will sneak you into a bar and get you drunk when you are underage. And maybe take you to a Phish Reunion show and score you and your friends some weed.

"And after that, I will sneak you into a bar and get you drunk when you are underage. And maybe take you to a Phish Reunion show and score you and your friends some weed."

i'm not sure whether to laugh, cry, or introduce her to my hippie brother to get these plans rollin ;)

-- nut
I wish I had a Auntie like you growing up.
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