Monday, May 02, 2005



I have literally spent the last three hours lost on the internet. I found fabulous new music and fellow quilters with the most amazing ideas and creativity. My mind is going to be spinning until I can get back into my Nonnie's sewing room this weekend.....I can hardly wait to finish my newest quilt so I can start a new one! OOh, so many ideas, so many potential surprises!
There is a sink full of dishes and dirty laundry on the floor, but I hardly care! Life is so freaking fun.

i like you. cfs
what is it that juan wrote in spanish down a few posts?cfs
Desenpolven sus diccionario Español-Ingles, Ingles-Español porque esto mensajes son solo para Ellie pero nada les impide traducir el mensaje palabra por palabra...;)
Je vais apprendre comment parler espagnol. Alors je vous duperai parce que je saurai toutes les choses que vous dites.
Well, O Cheerful one , glad to see you so up. I posted some intructions for you I think they're all there? Have a look when you get a chance they're under your comment.
Juan says to invest in a translaton dictionary because the spanish messages are only for me. But nothing is stopping you form translating the message word for word. Then he put a cool link up.
hahahA ! I CAN learn spanish!
He is posting in spanish to force me to learn.
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