Sunday, May 08, 2005



I love you MOM! Even though your only request for Mother's Day was the be 'left alone to garden", I'm sorry, but I must bestow you with gifts and kisses. Thank you for your endless generousity and time, your enormous heart and all the ways you have taught me to be independent, loving and giving. Thank You for my three siblings who have taught me many more lessons I ever could have imagined. Even though they were mostly obnoxious and never listened to me when I was the babysitter.

Happy Mother's Day to Jena Marie. This is such a special occassion for you, because it is your very first Mother's Day. Jon and Payton are the luckiest family to have you. I know that your strength, your kindness and your infinite love will grace your family forever and be your ultimate gift to them. I am excited to watch you and your family grow and flourish, and I am waiting for a nephew. Payton needs a brother to antagonize her (and YOU!) for her formative years.

Happy Mother's Day to Erin, who continues to inspire me with her amazing courage and strength. You are a true example of perseverance and love to your sweet baby boy.

Happy Mother's Day to my Nonnie and my Auntie who have taught me everything from quilting to making really good pumpkin bread. Auntie introduced me to Kool and the Gang when I was five and she was the coolest thing alive. Nonnie makes me rice balls and teaches me to sew. She is trying to teach me to clean and be organized but I am realizing, that my sister got THAT gene. It may be an uphill battle, Nonnie!

Enjoy your day everyone!

happy mother's day to momma nut!! i feel like you are a 2nd mother to me, since i have known you for over 1/2 my life! 15 years!! i love you a ton!!

-- nut
Thank you Lizzy Jane. I love you! Thank you for all of your support since Payton has been born (and all the time leading up to it). Jena
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