Tuesday, May 03, 2005



Today I would like to open up a frank discussion about poop. I was at the gym, on the elliptical machine watching Oprah. Today's episode was about poop. Actually, it was about healthy lifestyles, and SOME of it was about poop. The doctor on Oprah said that a healthy looking poop should have an "S" shape OR a banana shape. He said that "pooping in pieces" could be a sign of an unhealthy bowel, and can lead to diverticulitis, appendicitis and hemorrhoids.
I don't know about you, but this makes me nervous. Juan says I should not blog about poop, but I am not saying anything about my OWN poop, so it is not embarrassing.
If you would like to comment about poop, your own or otherwise, please feel free to do so here. I will only listen. I will not judge.
PS- Thank you to Exseno who helped me figure out how to post links in my sidebar. Even though you can't click on them and go to the site. At least they are there. Yay Exseno!

What do you mean you can't click on them and go to the site. Your not suppose to click on them. After you typed or pasted them there , did they show up on your sidebar???
Oh , O.K. I see them now. They should work I'll ask a friend of mine what you have to do for them to work. K and we'll see if we can fix it.
Oh , one more thing I guess I must have diverticulitis, appendicitis and hemorrhoids and colon cancer and poopidise desease and anything else that I can't think of.

S shaped or banana shaped, what about round shaped. I think the Dr. is a quack.
um... maybe it's unhealthy of me and i am missing potential health problems by doing so, but i don't sit there and check out what shape my latest poop is in. what does that guy want us to do... break out a goldfish net, fish it out of the bowl, and examine it?

and on that note, time for breakfast.

-- nut
Lizzy, o.k. I didn't know you were going to post URL's with that code . To post a URL that works you have to do something called "roll blogging". and I don't know how to do that yet. or that's what I've been told?

With the instructions that I gave you , you can post , things like images , and other little thingy's on your side bar. In fact if you want to put something in your header you can do the same thing just go to header.
I saw a part of this. I don't know what's healthy and unhealthy in the bowel world; however, I found it disturbing that the mostly-female audience giggled hysterically any time Oprah used the word "poop" or "constipation." Oprah is just not that funny.
no, you're right, but poop jokes are ALWAYS funny!!

-- nut
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