Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Speaking of Eileen...

Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
Oh yes, Eileen also got the 'Non-existent Allergy" gene. she is an animal lover and has everything form hedgehogs to hamsters as roomates. apparently their nocturnal habits do not bother her. Here is he rlatest acquisition. A bunny named Milo. Milo is super cool. Very soft and laid back. He has red eyes though, and that makes me a little nervous. after I pet him, I have to wash my hands ferociously before my head swells up with phlegm and pops.

Also, Catherine's post today reminds me of when was in 4th grade. Megnut and I were READERS too. Megnut would come over to "play", but we would actually just curl up in opposite corners of my bedroom, ignore eachother, and read. It was so freaking fun. Love you, nut!

and it continues today! although now it's more watching fear factor and ignoring each other!

remember we used to play sweet valley high when you were on longview? i never got to be elizabeth though!! love you too nut!

-- nut
today they SEXED milo at the vet. he is in fact, a girl.
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