Friday, June 17, 2005


Equality, My Ass

It has been my general impression during my 25 years of existence, that for the most part, the Women's Movement was damn successful.
Equality the Right to Vote and all that stuff. Yes,yes, we have yet to have a female president, but I'm sure Billary will take care of that in the next few years.
Today I experienced a strange, flip flopped world, where men definitely rule to roost and don't give a damn about the meddlin' women.
I walked into a cigar shop.
In this unassuming brown brick building, flanked by an auto parts shop and a drug store, lies a parallel universe, unknown to those of us not wishing to die from lung cancer.
In this male dominated universe, the inhabitants seat themselves in leather chairs and smoke their stogies INDOORS, thus creating a filthy environment that no self respecting woman would ever tolerate. The men speak in short 1 or 2 word phrases and snort through their noses at eachother. Their communication is limited because they do not remove their pipes or cigars from their mouths during speech. They simply talk AROUND the cigar.
Also, they are COMPLETELY intolerant of women who know NOTHING about tobacco and who simply want to get their dad a nice present. They ask confusing questions about bowls, and grains and humidity. The unassuming woman must resort to calling her mother in the middle of the store for lack of responses to such encrypted questioning.
Is this what guys feel like when they go to Victoria's Secret?
I love you dad, but next year, YOU"RE GETTING CASH.

lol , I love it. I found the same thing in the men barber shop when I took my grandson to get his hair cut. Pigs, especially the old ones. And my grandsons hair looked better when I cut it.
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