Thursday, June 23, 2005


Stairmaster Shock

I hate Cosmopolitan magazine. It runs the same articles repeatedly with photos of different models and new directions to find your G-spot. (It's always in the same place, ladies!)
But I do allow myself to read Cosmo while I am on the Stairmaster at the gym. This is simply because I am working so hard NOT to fall on my ass, that it is impossible for me to read anything of valid and worthwhile content. Plus I find it disrespectful to sweat on anything that can be qualified as literature. Or even non fiction.
ANYWAY, there I was, sweating profusely on Cosmo when I turned the page to find myself staring at a woman in her underwear who had a body JUST LIKE ME.
I kid you not.
I mean, flabby tummy and thick thighs and EVERYTHING.
She was SO hot.

It was an ad for Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty.
I just about fell off the Stairmaster.

I will buy Dove products for THE REST OF MY LIFE.

It's on the back of Shape Magazine too. And Dove's is good for your skin. cfs
Well , it's about time. I was getting so sick of everyone say they are going to use real people instead of models. But the real people that I saw still had much better body's then the average. Hip, Hip Horay for Dove.
me wife uses dove for sensitive skin.

anything else makes her break out....
Yeah for Dove! Jena
I saw that in US Weekly, and I was so happy!!!! At the same time though, it makes me sad, that it's such a big deal when that happens, I wish that it had always been.

-- nut
Wait, you've managed to find your G Spot?
I thought every women knew where her G spot was, and that it was just the guys that had trouble finding it. lol
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