Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Goddam Cookies....

Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
One of those country music guys has a new twangy song out called 'Live Like You Were Dying" ....or some crap like that.
I listened to the words today, and found that I resent that song and whoever wrote it.

Although I often brush off the fact that I had cancer, you can bet that I feel damn lucky for everyday that I have. I thank God that my type of cancer was the ONLY curable type, and that I am free to live my life with no more radiation treatments or surgeries.
And having that sort of disease really makes you sit back and figure out what is important to you, even if you ARE only 18 years old at the time. And it makes you KEEP thinking about it, even at 25.
That stupid song goes on and on and on about skydiving and riding bulls and doing all sorts of crazy-ass shit. THAT is what' s supposed to make someone feel like they're " living life"?
It's a completely different picture for me. I relish quiet moments with a book, and loud moments at Christmas parties with my friends and their babies. I want to make the perfect macaroon and feed it to Juan. I tell my friends and my family that I love them whenever I hang up the phone. Nothing makes me happier than sending a hand written note to my best friend in Buffalo, California, or Philadelphia. I love to spend Sunday afternoons quilting with my grandma. I cherish children's laughter and smiles, their first words and their tears. I do not bother with learning how to work the remote for the DVD player. I listen to wonderful music and learn how to 'feel infinite". I eat garlic and chocolate everyday because I love them. I always notice the sky and what color it is.
I want a PEACEFUL life. I want to make everyone feel loved and only do the things that make me feel relaxed and content....
and it flat out pisses me off that someone is telling me that "living" means jumping out of planes and climbing mountains.
Sometimes it just means drinking another glass of wine and helping yourself to a 4th macaroon.

Ihate that song and I love you. cfs

-- Nut
I love this post. :)
Great post. Enjoying life doesn't have to mean risking it.
I love you so very much! Jena
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