Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Reasons Why I Love Juan #2

Today as we are test driving a Mazda with an automatic transmission that can switch into standard for extra power:

Me: I don't understand why the car comes equipped with both a standard and automatic transmission.

Juan: "Well, you see, (insert technical jargon here), and if you just move the transmission into this gear, then the car will (insert more technical jargon here). It really gives the driver a better advantage when (insert technical driving term here). And you see, if I move the transmission into THIS gear, then (insert yet another nonsensical technical term here)."

Me: Blink.


"HEY!!!!!! The coin holders are lined with a fuzzy material!"

Juan: "Hey! Yeah! That's cool!"

This sounds exactly like a conversation that I had after totalling my car! My favorite part about car shopping is when they ask " What do you want?" and I'm like uhhh a car...that's automatic...and is ummm shiny..." To which they usually say well what about "features/ engine/warranty ..." Huh? I just want the shiny new one with a front end in tact.
Good luck, can't wait to see what you pick out!
standard is standard


automatic is automatic!


standard is like getting ice cubes from an ice tray inside the freezer.

automatic is just holding your glass against the thingamabob in the recess of the freezer door.

happy blogging.....
It's all about the priorities... coin holders, you know? Jena
matrixes and vibes have OUTLETS... like a regular old household outlet in the dash! you better believe that was the big selling point for me! -sp
Yes Lizzy , I think he is a genius. Go read his blog.

As for the car,the other day you asked for ideas. About a yr. ago my daughter bought a Pontiac, Grand Prix, used but in very nice condition. We both love it. Rides nice, great on gas and has all kinds of extras, each person can even adjust the temperature on their own side ( I couldn't believe that) hehehe. We are both sitting in the front driving home right after she bought it and find out she could make her side of the front blow warm air and I could make mine blow cold air on me. We giggled all the way home.Anyway take a look at some of thos, they might win you over.
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