Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Still not finished

It was my original plan to finish Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last night. I am a little more than halfway through. I am finding it deliciously exciting, and am savoring each page.
But instead of finishing the book, I decided to be spontaneous, and went to a String Cheese concert.

At the show, I was once again, faced with the horrible realities of motherhood and unwanted HAIR GROWTH.
I met a girl who had her one year old child with her.
The mother had CHEST HAIR.


Clinical Conclusion #2: Babies=CHEST HAIR

Babies are weird. cfs
But I bet she wouldn't give up that baby.
maybe it's not that childbirth causes unwanted hair--maybe after you have the baby you are just too busy/tired to wax/pluck/bleach the unwanted hair. In which case, babies still = chest hair, but at least those of us w/o chest hair might remain that way after childbirth!
I see a lot of black women with chest hair in the valley of the cleavage....
Ok-- again, NO CHEST HAIR HERE. No beards, no hair falling out, no extra hair anywhere! What is going on with the people that you see??? I agree with Christy- too tired to wax or pluck if anything (at least I'd like to think so!) Yikes! It is the stuff that they don't tell you about before you get pregnant... Jena
just started reading it last night.
J'appr�cie toute l'aide que j'ai re�ue.Earnestly, Marlo how does electrolysis work
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