Thursday, August 25, 2005


Accessorizing the Bridal Gown

Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
Here is Catherine modelling the Sandra Bullock Bridal Cowboy Couture Collection.
(You really must click on the photo to see the exceptional detail)
We had to stifle our giggles like teenage girls on their first trip into Victoria's Secret.

The best part is that I showed Juan the picture and had him TOTALLY convinced for a full 24 hours that I actually PURCHASED the hat. (For 100 dollars)

I have also noticed that the SPAM commenters have made their way to my blog. I suppose it was only a matter of time. They're like lice. Jumping from one scalp to another. I'm not really sure what to do about them. I am going to use my tried and true method of IGNORING the problem until it becomes unbearable. Then I will ask Juan what to do.

Es un poco tarde para estar en el inter-net haciendo esto. te amo Juan
"We had to stifle our giggles like teenage girls on their first trip into Victoria's Secret."

Or our first trip to the wonder that is Show World.

Oh, and I love the hat. If you don't wear it, I will. Out. To the bar.

-- Nut
Why do they make stuff like this? I just don't get it! Jena
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