Saturday, August 27, 2005


Post Workout Appetite

Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
After my workout at the gym this morning, I had THE MOST unbelieveable craving for cheese. So I whipped out this new recipe from a co-worker for crustless cheddar cheese pie.
Due to the incredible heat and humidity, i have not been cooking much in the kitchen, so I must admit that I am a little rusty. And I don't know much about cooking with cheese and eggs.
The recipe stated to melt 3 cups of shredded cheese in a saucepan on the stove. So I'm stirring away, and the cheese melts, but it melts into this giant GLOB of cheese. (I was envisioning a nice, liquidy, saucey consistency). So I thought, maybe if I just keep it on the heat, it wil turn saucey. No. It didn't. As you can imagine, I was slightly confused, because the next step was to "beat the cheese slowly into 3 beaten eggs". OK. So I try to "pour" the cheese into the eggs, but, of course, it is a big giant GLOB, and not pourable. So it just kind of PLOPS into the eggs, and they spatter everywhere.
I take a deep breath. So I am using a whisk to try and break up the blob and have it blend nicely with the eggs.
That is SO not working. So I think, "hmm, maybe they mean to use an ELECTRIC beater' So i whip out my beater and go at it. I look at the concoction and see that there is no longer a blob of cheese. I am SO PROUD of myself for mixing the cheese blob finely into the eggs. I remove the beater, and find that the cheese blob has WRAPPED ITSELF AROUND the stems of the beaters. Now I have a TANGLED blob of cheese, which is not even REMOTELY combined with the eggs. I spend 10 minutes removing the soggy cheese blob from the beaters. I finally pour the entire mess into the pie plate and cook it. This is what I ended up with. I haven't tried it yet. Since it was not baked in the most traditional of manners, I promise not to feed it to anyone besides Juan or my mom. If they get sick, I'll know not to try it.

If you eat all that cheese you are going to have such a poopy problem. I mean lack of. Translation, you are going to be oh so hurting.
It looks good. cfs
it was surprisingly good! I guess baking in the oven for 50 minutes melted the cheese into the eggs nicely.
My mom AND juan liked it (my 2 toughest critics)
are they still alive? if they are, i'm going to make the recipe. it looks amazing.
AND they're still alive.
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