Saturday, August 13, 2005


Slang Saturday

Bootylicious \'bu:t-e-'lish-*s\ aj. (modif. of MF butin, fr. MLG bu-te exchange) 1: curvaceous or voluptuous, esp. in the derriere (i.e., booty) 2: see fine 3: sexually attractive in a way that causes males ages 18-25 to desire to grope, fondle, lick, or otherwise touch the booty cheeks

1a: Yo, g, yo bitch is bootylicious! Her ass is off da hook.
1b: Janet Reno is so bootylicious.
2: D-d-damn, that is one bootylicious sista!
3: Holy coconuts, Batman! Catwoman is so bootlicious, I want to lick her curvaceous derriere.

O.K. what ever you say, have you been nipping at the bottle Lizzy???
I want to lick your curvaceous derrierre. cfs
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