Monday, August 29, 2005


Still No Cookies

The Sun
Originally uploaded by gusch.
What a long day Juan and I drove to New Jersey and back in 13 hours. Whoohoo!
The bonus was that we stopped at a mall with a Coldstone Creamery.
Oh, the sweet, sweet lifeblood of Coldstone Creamery. I jumped up and down and flapped my arms in excitement as we waited in line. I tried to be good and ordered their fat free ice cream. Next time I will just be bad and order the good stuff.
So anyway, here is the recipe for the Crustless Cheddar Cheese Pie if anyone is interested. It has tomatoes on it, so it technically counts as a veggie/fruit (whatever camp you happen to be in) if you are Striving for 5 like Catherine.

3 cups of sharp, shredded natural chhese (I used 1.5 cups of cheddar and 1.5 cups of monterey jack)
1 TBSP finely chopped onion or shallots
1/2 tsp salt (I thought this was too much, but I am not a salt person)
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
3 eggs
6 medium tomatoes (I only needed 3 small tomatoes)
Shredded fresh parmesan and black pepper to taste

Heat cheese, onion, salt, mustard and Worcestershire sauce over low heat, stirring constantly until cheese is melted.(It just gets gooey, not melty) Remove from heat. Beat 3 eggs in large bowl until foamy. Beat in cheese mixture gradually. (Remember not to use an electric beater if you would like to avoid any mishaps similar to mine, and also remember that it PLOPS) Pour into pie plate (I coated mine with PAM) Cook uncovered 325 until just set (25 min) Cut tomatoes into thin slices. Overlap slices around edge of pie to form wreath. Sprinkle with parmesan and black pepper. Cook uncovered 15 minutes more. Serve and be happy!

In other news, I have to take Buddy to the vet tomorrow to find out from the doctor about medication (read: INJECTIONS) for his diabetes. I am expecting snarling and biting from the poor little guy. He hasn't eaten in 3 days. :(

OOOO I love the picture.
I hear that we are getting a Coldstone Creamery somewhere in the Rochester area. Wait. *runs to check online*

Cold Stone Creamery
3349 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618

Is this true?! *leaves work early*

-- Nut
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