Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Lil gal

Originally uploaded by iamthelummox.
This is someone else's pet, but I wanted to use her to illustrate my point.
Just as everyone else, I have been completely numbed and overwhelmed by the devastation of Katrina. I am glued to my mom's cable, and watch wide eyed in disbelief at the incredible, utter LOSS brought onto our fellow Americans.
Although my heart has been breaking for them, and my soul just can't wrap itself around all the pain... today I saw a man on TV (OK, on Oprah) who wouldn't go to the shelter, because he JUST WOULDN'T leave his dog behind.
Oh man, I totally lost it.
I threw myself into Juan's arms and cried "I wouldn't leave my dog, EITHER!"
Oh, I just cried and cried and cried.
I guess it is all that raw emotion mixed in from Buddy, but WOW, that freaking killed me today.
Has anyone else been walking around in a fog, from all this? I mean, really....i feel DEPRESSED. Just tired, and numb and...removed. And I'm not even THERE. I can't BEGIN to imagine their pain and their anger.
It is exhausting.
That dog scene, though...that just did me IN.

Yes, I saw a older women that would not leave her house because she didn't know what to do with her cat and would'nt leave it.
I am in a bad tornato path and we have two small dogs. It is a difficult thing to even think about.
I too am just numbed by the whole thing, but when I see people leaving their pets behind I start shrieking at the TV. That segment of Oprah had both me and my Big Strong Man wiping our eyes. There is NO FREAKING WAY we'd leave Sir Bentley Winston III behind, and death to them who would say "oh, it's just a cat, you'll get over it."

I'd like to come over and apply a 2x4 smartly to your neighbor's forehead.
I know - it is breaking all of our hearts, and must be even worse for you right now!!!
I have 2 friends that had to evacuate to TX, and went back to Metairie and found that everything was ruined. So now they have to start completely over. It's unfathomable to me.

-- Nut
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