Sunday, September 18, 2005


Problem Solving

Originally uploaded by lizzyjane.
Kris has come up with a fabulous new way to occupy the local squirrel community. (namely, those who reside in my ceiling)

I figure if I can get 'em addicted, one of a few favorable outcomes may occur;

1) Their wives will get PISSED that the fridge is full of beer and not nuts, and kick them out of the house.

2) Their livers will explode from alcohol poisoning

3) They will enter the recovery phase of the disease, and spend most of their time at AA meetings, and NOT in my ceiling.

Interesting! You have a nice blog here!

I have a blog about Google and Yahoo search engines but I have a long way to go to build something like this!

Nice job!
A case of 30 Natural Ice's is only 9.99 at Wilson Farms. I say, you shell out 20 bucks, and watch some squirrels get wasted.

-- Nut
Lizzy, what if he's one of those destructive drunks and drinks the beer and then starts tearing your place apart. I don't think beer is the answer. Or worse he likes it so much he thinks he's your pet and keeps coming back and trying to get inside for more.
Yay! I made the blog!

I agree. Just don't give them Zima.
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