Saturday, September 10, 2005



The vet's office called today and said that Buddy's ashes were ready to be picked up. So I loaded my mom, my sister and my sister's boyfriend into the car and we all drove to the office together to get the dog. We walked in, and there were 3 owners who had their respective dogs with them. All those pups were so curious about us, and each of them reminded us all of Buddy. One was Buddy's exact size, another had his dark eyes, and the third tiny lab puppy was just a fuzzball of love.
It made my sister cry, but I somehow felt reassured.
We took Buddy home in his decorative tin. He rode quietly in my mom's lap. It was very strange.
When we got him in the house, I felt better. I knew he was home with us, and he is safe. I really feel OK about it. I am still so so sad. But knowing he is back with us makes it a lot better somehow. I also think this conversation had something to do with it:

My Dad: (opening the tin and cautiously inspecting the tiny bag of sand-like ashes): "I can't believe it!"

My Mom: "Are you POKING HIM?"

My Dad: "I just can't believe it!"

My Mom: "Leave him alone! He's trying to REST!"

That is a sweet response by your mom. I haven't been able to bury my cat's ashes yet. They are still with me, a year and half later. I see no rush! :)
Ahhh that's cute with the poking.

If you decide to bury the ashes, may I suggest filling something up with some (like a little glass container of some sort) to keep for yourself.

-- Nut
I never had a pet cremated, but if I did, I know exactly what I would do with the ashes. I would take them to as outdoor place he loved the most and thow his ashes out there somewhere.

Now before you say that's cruel , I would do it for two reasons, one I'm very clumsy and I would be affaid that sooner or later I would break the ern dusting it.

But more important, I would do it for him, To release his soul and let him run finally healthy and free because I loved him.
I am so glad that Buudy is home.
:) Jena
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