Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Sigh Again

today 196
Originally uploaded by haymang.
I am having one of THOSE weeks.

The kind where EVERYTHING I touch falls on the ground. And NOT JUST fall on the ground, but fall on the ground and roll under the couch into the deepest, dustiest corner possible. And if it happens that what I am touching does not fall on the ground, something on the OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM falls, just to spite me and make swear at inanimate objects. This is frequently happening with my toothbrush. This is disgusting and makes me soak my toothbrush in alcohol twice a day because it fell on the bathroom floor, where i am sure all sorts of POOP GERMS are lurking. I have the kind of toothbrush that is electric and it costs 12 dollars to replace one head. So you see why i must soak in alcohol instead of buying a new toothbrush.

It is also the kind of week where I do the laundry, fold all my underwear and bras, and then I can't find them the next morning.
WHY CAN'T I FIND THEM the next morning? Because they are in my SOCK drawer.
I do not know WHY they are in my sock drawer, but I KNOW I must have put them there.

It is the kind of week where children at work have bowel movement accidents, and do not cover their cough when they are 3 inches from your face, telling you a story about Pokemon.

It is also the kind of week in which I have a head cold and a SEVERE case of PMS, which only makes everything THAT MUCH WORSE.

It is time for some hot apple cider, a good book and my fake down comforter. (Because, of course, I am ALLERGIC to the real kind. Just like I am ALLERGIC to everything ELSE on the FACE OF THIS PLANET)

On second thought, maybe I just better go right to sleep.

Intelligent Design eh?
Robin already commented about this in his blogs, but since it was on the radio this morning and is one of my favourite areas of discussion I couldn't resist.
book reviews is very important to remember when writing anything these days.
This is not a week for FREAKING SPAMMERS!!!!

Hope the weekend kicks out the murrrrrr of the week, Liz.
I hope next week will be better. Maybe the kids will get better and you won't catch what they have. That would be a good week.
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