Sunday, November 13, 2005


The World's Most Popular Board Game

Olympus Trip 35
Originally uploaded by fortinbras.
Yesterday, in another wildly exciting Saturday night, Juan and I played Monopoly. For the first time together, EVER.

I think the first time one plays Monopoly with somebody, it is ALWAYS a revealing and potentially dangerous situation. It is a cut throat, take no prisoners kind of game.

First there was the argument about whose 'House Rules" we were going to play by. Then there was the compromise to just follow the directions, and play by Parker Bros. rules.
I then settled back to make obsrvations of my opponent. He is one of those pkayers that keeps his money in order AT ALL TIMES, and stacks it neatly to his right. I tend to separate my bills into piles, and anchor them under the board. Juan is also one of "THOSE" players that must keep a 500 dollar bill on hand AT ALL TIMES.
I also found out that he is not a very savvy propert trader. After I snatched up all the railroads, utilities, the orange, red and light blue properties, he was a GONER.
I opted to end the game nicely before I forced him into bakruptcy. My favorite quote of the evening was:
"You owe me 1500 dollars"
"What?! No!"
"Don't MAKE me go get the calculator!'

In other news, today I did my very fisrt "furbaby rescue!"
When Buddy died, I signed up to transport abandoned and neglected dogs to their new adoptive homes. So today I took Sierra partway to Albany, where she will get to live happily with her new loving family.
It is a really great website, you can visit the furbabies at:

Ah yes, Monoply can bring out the worst in even the nicest person, especially if they a loseing.
You are so full of love I can't imagine being you! Well, except when you're playing board games, apparently . . .
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