Wednesday, February 08, 2006



Why is Britney Spears dumber than a doornail?
What is UP with driving your FOUR MONTH OLD around in your LAP?
Good god.
I am not a parent, but I sure as hell know that if a paparazzi hit my car, then that airbag would MOST CERTAINLY SUFFOCATE MY CHILD.

I guess it's true....Just because you have a child, it doesn't make you a parent.

Seriously. I was just thinking about doing a post about having people lay off her, because she just had a baby and it is so unrealistic to expect her to be a skinny sex idol just after giving birth. But now I am not going to, because she is dumber than a box of rocks. The best part is that there was another adult in the car who could have been driving...cfs
She is stupid and he was probably to loaded to drive.
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