Monday, October 02, 2006


Overzealous Church Lady

I was walking into church on Sunday, when a pretty lady at the door handed me a paper and said brightly with a smile: "For Mothers of Young Children!"
I looked suspiciously around me for a young child that may have unwittingly attached itself to my shirt tail.
There were no young children on my shirt tail, OR looking through my purse for candy.
I handed the paper back to her and said "Uh, I don't HAVE any young children."

What I wanted to say was "Listen lady, can't you see that I am WAY too put together to have a screaming infant or naked toddler chasing me around the house all morning? For CHRIST'S SAKE, MY HAIR IS CURLED!"

I know, one day, I will not have the time or energy to wake up before church to curl my hair because there are 7 Puerto Rican bambinos with knots in their hair and snot on their shirt sleeves and shit in their diapers.
And on THAT day, when my hair is NOT curled, and my CLOTHES don't even match, THEN, you can approach me and hand me Sunday School registration forms.

You always have cute hair, and you always will. cfsl
Oh yes, you'll find the time. We all do. But don't be in a hurry, everything changes after kids.

I love mine but I wish I had waited until I was a little older before starting a family.
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