Thursday, November 09, 2006


Mystery Meat

For the past few days, Juan has been wandering around the house complaining that something smells funny.
For the past few days, I have been following Juan around the house, suggesting that he CLEAN something.
I have also been staring suspiciously at the ceilings for signs of a decomposing squirrel.

Today, the entire situation reared its ugly head. Juan was ready to tackle the Smell Issue. He started cleaning out cupboards, moving appliances, maniacally accusing the dog of leaving a "deposit" in some secret hiding place while we were gone.
It was not the dog, though.
He found the culprit in the cupboard where we keep all our baking dishes and supplies. One of us put a casserole dish back into the cupboard where it belonged. Except that the casserole dish STILL HAD A CASSEROLE IN IT.

That is almost as embarrassing as farting at the gym in front of your coworker.

EWWWWWWWW. That is gross. You wrote that like Juan doesn't clean things when we know that he DOES SO clean things all the time. What kind of moron would fart in front of her co-worker? How un-couth. cfsl
Oh, I know that smelled bad. Well don't feel bad, we've a done something just as sinile. lol
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